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Monsoon Skin Problems:

 Don't Eat These 4 Things In The Rainy Season, Otherwise Pimples Will Be On The Face.


Food has a very deep connection with our skin. Whatever diet we take, its direct effect is visible on the skin. For example, fresh fruits and vegetables help to give the skin a healthy and glowing look. However, in the monsoon season, it is good to take some things out of the diet, otherwise it can have a bad effect on the skin.

The coolness dissolved in the weather from the rain awakens the desire to eat many types of dishes in the mind. However, every season brings with it some changes, according to which the body of many cannot adapt. What happens by this is that these things react to the body and often come up as skin problems. If you do not want pimples on your skin and the stains that come from it, then it is better to avoid eating some things in the monsoon.

Milk and foods:

Drinking milk is fine, but too much of it can affect the hormones. Especially in the rainy season, when digestion is similarly relatively slow due to coldness. Hormones affect the skin very quickly. In such a situation, when they are affected, there is no delay in getting acne and pimples on the face.

Fried Food:

The fun of eating things like pakodas in the rain is different. However, it has also been proven in many studies that too much fried food can cause pimples while damaging the skin. In such a situation, it is better that in the monsoon, fried and more spicy food items should be eaten less.

A kind of spinach:

Spinach is an iron rich leafy vegetable. It is good for the eyes, as well as it increases hemoglobin. However, eating too much of it in the rain can lead to acne problems. This is due to the amount of iodine present in it. If this vegetable is also your favorite, then it is better to control it.

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